
Chantelle Parkinson

Chantelle Parkinson - Dental Assistant

Chantelle came to join the Bright Light Dental team in July 2020, initially as a part-time dental
assistant while continuing with her chosen university studies.

2023 is a gap year for Chantelle, allowing her to work full time and plans to travel.

Chantelle is a delight to work with – she has an innate, warm personality and genuinely endears
herself to all our patients. Her interest in their day-to-day, & even their music preference is front of
mind helping each patient feel at ease & more comfortable with their dental visit. She brings her own interpersonal communication skills, that enhance our caring culture & serve our team with
enthusiasm & diligence. We just love and value her as part of our team.

Outside of work, Chantelle likes to go to music events, go out for food, and watch movies.

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