
Dr Archana Patil

Dr Archana (Archy) Patil - Principal Dentist

Dr Archy is both the Principal Dentist and proud Practice Owner of Bright Light Dental. She has
extensive experience in dentistry – amounting to more than 20 years.

Born and raised in India, Dr Archy spent the earliest years of her career lecturing at KLE’S Dental College, Bangalore, before migrating to Australia, with her husband.

Since completing her Australian Dental Council exams in 2006, Archy has spent her time in Australia happily living and serving the local community.

Bright Light Dental is a practice that seeks to serve families within the Bayside area. Together, Archy and Shri are the proud parents of two beautiful daughters which makes her extremely good with kids of all ages. Added qualities include being fluent in several languages, including:

• English
• Hindi
• Kannada
• Marathi

Dr. Archy’s goal is to help patients achieve optimal oral health in a way that is ethical, minimally invasive, and promotes overall well-being.

Above all, Dr Archy’s priority is to provide patients with the highest quality of care. She strives to
create a warm and welcoming environment where patients can feel comfortable discussing their
concerns and working with her to create a personalized treatment plan that meets their unique needs.

Outside of work, Archy loves cooking and long walks.

Bright Light Dental

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