
Patient Medical History Form

    Private Health Insurance Details:

    Item numbers on our statement represent as accurately as possible the procedures performed, but in no way are they a claim on anyone other than the patient for whom they were performed. The eligibility of the patient, or the procedures, to attract refunds, and the rates of those refunds, are determined by the conditions of the patient’s health insurance policy. We accept no responsibility, to either party, for any decisions the insurer may make regarding the refund monies to the patient.

    Dental Information – for the following questions, please mark (X) your responses to the following questions.



    Do your gums bleed when you brush or floss?

    Are your teeth sensitive to cold, hot, sweets or

    Is your mouth dry?

    Have you ever had periodontal (gum)

    Have you ever had orthodontic treatment?

    Have you had problems associated with
    previous dental treatment?

    Are you currently experiencing dental pain or



    Do you have earaches or neck pains?

    Do you have any clicking, popping or discomfort in the jaw?

    Do you brux or grind your teeth?

    Do you have sores or ulcers in your mouth?

    Do you wear dentures or partials?

    Do you participate in active recreational activities?

    Have you ever had a serious injury to your head or mouth?

    Medical Information

    Have you ever had any of the below medical conditions? Please tick YES or NO to all of the following:




    High Blood Pressure

    Heart Ailment

    Rheumatic Fever


    Hepatitis (Type A, B, C, D or E)?


    Bone Disorder




    Bowel Problems

    Kidney Disease

    Diabetes (Type 1 or Type 2)?

    Thyroid Problems


    Blood Disorder

    Please note: our payment policy is full payment on the day of treatment, and follow up action will be taken to secure all outstanding amounts. If your account is not finalised we will employ a Debt Collection Agency, which will result in additional fees incurred by you.

    Cancellation policy: when you book your appointment, you are holding a space on our calendar that is no longer available to our other patients. In order to be respectful of your fellow patients, please call the clinic as soon as you know you will not be able to make your appointment. If cancellation is necessary, we require that you call at least 24 hours in advance or a cancellation fee of $80 will incur. Appointments are in high demand, and your advanced notice will allow another patient access to that appointment time.

    I have completed this new patient history form to the best of my knowledge, and understand failure to make a full disclosure may place me at undue medical risk. I understand that notes, radiographs or models relating to my treatment may need to be sent to dental practitioners to aid in my treatment and consent to this. I also give permission for the practice to use the above contact details to send me appointment and check-up reminders.

    Bright Light Dental

    We are working to ensure you receive the best treatment.

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